Volunteer Software

People Helping People

After upgrading the Reporter to version 5.5, you may get a message to upgrade your Station Types, too.


You may want to run the separate application, 
"Volunteer Reporter Utilities", in order to 
check that your Station Type codes match the 
current, official list of the Corporation for 
National and Community Service.

This is not essential, but if you are a RSVP, 
FGP, or SCP project, you probably should.

To start the "Volunteer Reporter Utilities", 
click on Start | Programs | Volunteer Reporter 5 | 
Volunteer Reporter Utilities. 

You can check your Station Types by using the Utility.

  • Start menu | All Programs | Volunteer Reporter 5
  • Volunteer Reporter Utilities | Check Station Types
  • Check Station [again]




Your message may differ from this one:


Your Station Types need some work. I can 
do most of it automatically, but you will have 
to manually edit about 29 stations in order to 
reassign a station type to each of htem. I'll
tell you which station need to be edited.

Click on the convert button to automatically
update them to match the current list from
Corporation for National and Community Service.
This utility will help you update your Station Types to match the
current, official list of the Corporation for National and 
Community Service.

If you are not an RSVP, FGP, or SCP Project, this will have little 
or no values for you.


If you haven't already, please stop and make
a backup of your data before continuing.

Stop and make a backup?  [Yes | No ]


You will be presented with the Station Types Conversion “To Do” List in text format, it file name is SiteTypeConversion.txt. You probably should print it. The utility should inform you what to do next. If you need help, give us a jingle.

If you closed the list without changing it, you should be able to go back to the Utilities menu and call it up by clicking View To Do List.

If that does not open the file automatically, look for the file SiteTypeConversion.txt. It ought to be in the Reporter Program folder, maybe in C:\Reporter\Program\SiteTypeConversion.txt. But the Reporter might be installed in a different place. That text file specifies which stations’ Station Type need to be changed.

Sample To Do List

Your To Do List will be unique to your data. Below is a sample of one which tells you how to edit your Station Types.

This To Do List is a sample of one which tells you how to edit your Station Types:

Station Types Conversion "To Do" List -- 02/16/2010

These are tasks you need to complete manually in order to
have your Station Types match the current, official list
of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

To print this list, click on File | Print. You might want 
to print it in landscape mode and reduce the margins 
(File | Page Setup) to keep the long lines from wrapping.


You had some Station Types that were not standard. They
may have been correct, but if they were not spelled exactly
the same, I had no way of knowing. I have changed the name of
each non-standard Station Type to start with ZZZ. Follow
these instructions to finish the "clean up".


Reassign another Station Type to these Stations.

Station Name                        Station Type
Winter Elementary School         ZZZ Public/Private Schools (K-12)                           
JM Taylor School                 ZZZ Public/Private Schools (K-12)                


Delete these Station Types after you have reassigned 
all Stations to other codes.
To delete a Station Type, click on Reference Codes.

Station Type
ZZZ Post Secondary Institutions                             
ZZZ Public/Private Schools (K-12)                           

End of "To Do" List

Occasionally a To Do List reports that there is actually nothing more to do:

Station Types Conversion "To Do" List -- 09/22/2011

These are tasks you need to complete manually in order to
have your Station Types match the current, official list
of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

To print this list, click on File | Print. 
You might want to print it in landscape mode 
and reduce the margins (File | Page Setup) 
to keep the long lines from wrapping.


You had some Station Types that were not standard. They
may have been correct, but if they were not spelled exactly
the same, I had no way of knowing. I have changed the name
of each non-standard Station Type to start with ZZZ. 
Follow these instructions to finish the "clean up".


Delete these Station Types after you have reassigned all
Stations to other codes. To delete a Station Type, 
click on Reference Codes.

Station Type

End of "To Do" List

Utility Won’t Run (v5.9)

It is rare for anyone to run the utility since the Station Types were upgraded in Volunteer Reporter version 5.5. For a late user in v5.9, however, the data utilities do not work correctly because a single patch to the Reporter conflicts with them. It’s an easy fix to enable the utilities to run.

In a nutshell:

  1. In the Reporter’s program folder, delete the file UserLogTools.pro.
  2. Run the Data Utilities.
  3. Open the Reporter and do another live update with the check mark to “Download all patches, even duplicates.”
  4. Sometimes that doesn’t work since the Reporter won’t open, so in that case open the Recycle Bin and restore the file, UserLogTools.pro, back in the program folder.