Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Sometimes when you try to delete a value in the Reference Codes you get the message that you cannot delete this group because it is still being used by volunteer records.



You cannot delete a Group code value if it is being used elsewhere. You can flush out the records which are using a code value with a filter.

  • Filters | Add filter | Name it for that code value | save the name.
  • Volunteer limits tab | Groups – highlight it | click Edit Limitation. [see image]
  • Select the value by clicking it once to get a double arrow to the left [>>].
  • Scroll down to Include Terminated Volunteers? | Edit Limitation | Yes | Save. [see image]
  • Click Close filters.



Now you can run a Volunteer Address list, or similar report, using the new filter to find the active and terminated volunteers whose records are using that Group value. After you eliminate their use of the value you will be able to delete the group value.

Revised 03/Aug/2011