Volunteer Software

People Helping People

New reporting requirements for Senior Corp programs affiliated with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) were released late in August 2012. Grantees can prepare for compliance by using some existing reporting and tracking in the Volunteer Reporter. Volunteer Reporter will be adding specific features to address these requirements when the new version comes out—they cannot be added via a patch.

As of January 2012, CNCS revised the Service Categories and newly labeled Focus Areas. In the Reporter version 6.0 and higher, what used to be called Issue Areas (which superseded the long ago Service Category Groupings) became the Focus Areas.

Review Your Data to Evaluate Your Primary Focus Area

Evaluating your existing data will help you to determine which will become your Primary Focus Area as will be required for CNCS reporting.

Reports | Statistics | Stations by Focus Area

For all stations where hours were served, this report lists the focus area, the station, and the number of volunteers. You can limit the report to ‘Just volunteers 55 and over in age’ and/or check to ‘Include stations with 0 hours.’


Revised 09/20/2012 10:57:29