The Reporter allows you to customize or turn off various fields in Preferences.
Canada Country Settings
The Reporter allows you to customize all the geographic requirements for Canada. You can change City, ST, Zip, as well as Social Security No., to City, Prov, PC and Insurance No.
Set these in the Reporter: File | Preferences | Country tab.
Canada Currency
Control Panel | Regional and Language Options | choose language | and set the language to English [Canada].
French [Canada]:
Set Language/country | Customize… button | Currency tab | [ Currency symbol | Positive currency format | Negative currency format]
Set currency to be $ sign without the space – either of the first two choices:
To leave the computer set as French Canada in Windows, set the currency to be $ sign without the space – either of the first two choices:
Info Tab Fields
Except for the fields customizable in Preferences, the only customizable field label names and ability to remove the fields is on the 3 codes tabs. See below.
The Ethnicity and Racial Group field labels must remain on the Volunteer Info tab, but some Canadians delete the values and ignore those fields. You can clear the values in Reference Codes. Reference Codes | Volunteer Codes | Ethnic Codes. Click Delete until all the values are cleared.
Reference Codes | Volunteer Codes | Racial Groups. Click Delete until all the values are cleared.
Alternatively, you can edit or add values to those two fields to customize for your own tracking purposes.
Custom Code Fields
The Reporter is quite flexible, with custom code fields for Volunteers, Stations and Jobs. Each of those sections has a Codes tab which provides plenty of fully customizable fields, including naming the fields, setting the values for the drop-down codes, rearranging the dates, number, and text fields to align with codes fields, or even turning off unused codes. That customization is done from the Reference Codes menu up top.