For some organizations, their grants require almost the same kind of reporting on clients served as on volunteers—number served, age, sex, ethnicity, income, county in our state. The clients can be categorized by the program they benefit from—not the actual volunteer.
Some of our customers who serve clients enter the client as a station and then that client/station has one or more jobs. Volunteers are assigned to those jobs, which are services to clients. Better yet, you can locate a client to a station and check “This is an individual client” in Jobs. That allows you to track a client’s name, address, birthday, age, sex and several other items specific to Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs. And volunteers’ hours specific to each client are available for reporting.
Hospices and other organizations also use clients as Jobs in the Reporter.
This method keeps your volunteers’ and clients’ data all in one database.
Revised 03/Aug/2011