Volunteer Centers commonly use multiple databases. The Volunteer Reporter can handle any number of data sets. And the license allows you to use it on multiple computers in a single location. Other locations require additional licenses.
Organizations which serve several Senior Corp programs usually make separate data sets for RSVP, FGP and SCP. This provides separate reporting and allows customization appropriate for each program.
Senior Companion Programs and Foster Grandparent Programs, whose volunteers serve clients, sometimes enter the client as a station and then that station has one or more jobs which are done for the person. Senior Companion Programs and Foster Grandparent Programs, whose volunteers serve clients, sometimes enter the client as a station and then that station has one or more jobs which are done for the person. Or more typically the station is an entity which has one or more clients as jobs. Volunteers are assigned to those jobs, which are services to clients. In Jobs as clients you can capture demographic information on the clients via their job reports, and you can assign a number of custom codes which are all reportable via Job Statistics reports. Reports are designed to accommodate current CNCS requirements.
FGPs can keep track of training hours and funeral attendance, which are counted for their grant and count as hours served. These can be tracked as jobs.
You can choose to pay a stipend to some or all of your volunteers for their volunteer service. Stipends are calculated automatically when entering hours although you can change the amount. The Reporter produces spreadsheets, and all other reports can be exported to Excel. So FGP agencies usually import volunteers’ data from a Reporter spreadsheet into other software programs to further calculate annual leave.
Revised 03/Aug/2011