The Volunteer Reporter database, offers an array of powerful features that will help you create custom reports, spreadsheets, templates, mail merges, volunteer profiles and much more.
You can customize the Reporter’s spreadsheets which offer voluminous fields to delete or manipulate in Excel for customization or importation into another program. The Reporter produces about a hundred preformatted reports which provide various date and content manipulation through settings and filters. Filters narrow the range of data. All reports can be exported to Excel and various other formats.
Or you can customize reports. There are several ways you can customize the dozens of reports in the Volunteer Reporter. By using Filters you can narrow any report, as a query. Some reports include items you can select or deselect. An extreme version of that feature is the Volunteer [or Station or Job] Description Report, for which you choose all the fields to include.
The Reporter is quite flexible, with custom code fields for Volunteers, Stations and Jobs on their respective codes tab to track unique data. Each of those sections provides plenty of fully customizable fields, including naming the fields, setting the values for the drop-down codes, rearranging the dates, number, and text fields to align with codes fields, or even turning off unused codes.
The Reporter allows you to customize or turn off some fields in Preferences.
The Reporter allows you to customize all the geographic requirements for Canada. You can change City, ST, Zip, as well as Social Security No., to City, Prov, PC and Insurance No. To leave the computer set as French Canada in Windows, set the currency in Windows’ Regional and Language options.