Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Since Version 5.7 you can easily include or exclude terminated volunteers. After you name a filter, you can set limitations which focus on active and inactive volunteers on the Volunteer Limits tab. Scroll to the bottom of the Volunteer Limits tab.


‘Termination Date’ Limitation [To Report on Volunteers Based on a Termination Date or Not]

Select: a date range, Is blank, or Is not blank.

  • A date range, From … Through, selects people who are terminated during a period of time.
  • Is blank means people who are NOT terminated [they have no termination date, so they are active].
  • Is not blank means people who are terminated [they have a termination date].


‘Termination Cause’ Limitation


You can select an actual cause of termination, for instance to do labels for those out on leave, by clicking once on the termination cause(s) on the list. Save. There are three alternative settings.

  1. Termination Cause selection.
  2. Is blank means people who are NOT terminated [they have no termination cause, so they are active].
  3. Is not blank means people who are terminated [they have a termination cause].

‘Include Terminated Volunteers?’ Limitation

Setting ‘Include Terminated Volunteers?’ limitation to Yes will enable both terminated and active volunteers to show on a report. [This was addressed with the 5.7k patch.]


‘Active (non-terminated) as of today’ Limitation [To Report on Only Active Volunteers]

Active (non-terminated) as of today – Choose Yes to set this limitation. This limitation excludes terminated volunteers because it focuses only on active people at this point in time. Most reports include only active volunteers, but for Hours reports, which might include terminated volunteers if they served hours during the period of time, this limitation will act as an override.


‘Active (non-terminated) as of’ Limitation [To Report on Only Active Volunteers]

Active (non-terminated) as of … – Select a date range to set this limitation. This limitation excludes terminated volunteers because it focuses only on active people from a certain date forward. Most reports include only active volunteers, but for Hours reports, which might include terminated volunteers if they served hours during the period of time, this limitation will act as an override.


‘Inactive (terminated) as of today’ Limitation [To Report on Only Terminated Volunteers]

Inactive (terminated) as of today – Choose Yes to set this limitation. This limitation will report on people who are currently terminated.


‘Inactive (terminated) as of’ Limitation [To Report on Only Terminated Volunteers]

Inactive (terminated) as of … – Select a date range to set this limitation. This limitation will report on people who were terminated within the set date range.


To include both active and inactive people, you need to use the ‘Include Terminated Volunteers?’ limitation.