Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Adding a Placement

In order for a volunteer to show up on the Touch-Screen Assistant, the Web Assistant, or to add hours, the volunteer must have a placement. [Touch-Screen Assistant and Web Assistant volunteers need a PIN or password, respectively, to enter their own hours.]

In order to add volunteer hours, the volunteer must have a placement. Set up the Station, the Job and the Placement in that order.

A station has to have at least one job to which a volunteer can be assigned. After you create a job for the station, you can then give a volunteer a new placement at that job. Keep the starting dates in mind for each volunteer, station, job and placement.

To Add a Job

  • In Stations choose the station to which the job will be attached.
  • Version 6.0: Click the Jobs button at the bottom
  • Version 6.0: Click the Add button.
  • Version 6.1: Click the Jobs/Clients tab.
  • Version 6.1: Click the Add Job button.
  • Do you want to copy details from this station? If you click Yes, you will not have to retype the station’s supervisor and address information. Sometimes it is different, if so you choose No.
  • Enter a name for the job.
  • If you are a Senior Corp program, set the Service Category on the Info tab.
  • Attend to the starting date on the Info tab. It often is the same date as the Station’s starting date. The job’s starting date has to be the same or earlier than hours that will be entered from a volunteer who works in that job. But the starting date should not be before the Station’s starting date. The Reporter’s suggestion of today’s date may not be appropriate in each case.
  • Complete the job information.
  • Close Jobs and Stations.

To Add a Placement

  • Open Placements.
  • Click Add.
  • Find the volunteer on the left.
  • Find the job in the middle.
  • Enter a started date on the right, sometimes the same as the volunteer’s starting date. As above, please note that the placement’s starting date has to be the same or earlier than hours that will be entered from a volunteer who works in that job. But the Reporter will not accept a placement starting date earlier than the job’s starting date or the volunteer’s starting date.

Shortcuts to Adding a New Placement v6.0 and Later

Another way to add a new placement after you have added a job is to click the Add Placement button (new in v6.0) in the volunteer’s Profile on the Placements tab or the New Place button in when adding hours in the Hours section (on the Adding Hours screen (Hours grid) or the Continue Adding New Hours Until Finished screen (original Hours screen)).

Shortcuts to Adding a New Placement v5.9

Another way to add a new placement after you have added a job is to click the New Place button in the volunteer’s record on the Hours tab. Or use the New Place button in the Continue Adding New Hours Until Finished screen (v5.9) in the Hours section.