Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Merging Usernames, Passwords and PINs – New in 5.6

New in 5.6 Passwords

With version 5.6g, you can include 3 additional fields in Word letters. The three fields are PIN, Username, and password.

However, there’s one difference between this upgrade and all others. When preparing merge letters in word, we use a special data file named LetterVolunteerData.vrd. That small file cannot be included in the live update, but does install automatically from the 5.7 CD. It is only used when designing Word letters, not during the actual merging of those letters.

It’s a simple matter to put a new copy of the file LetterVolunteerData.vrd into your shared documents folder.

  1. Save the attached file, LetterVolunteerData.vrd, to your desktop.
  2. Open the Reporter and click on Help | About the Reporter.
  3. Write down the path to the Shared Docs Folder.
  4. Manually cut and paste LetterVolunteerData.vrd from your desktop to the shared documents folder. You may receive a message about the existing file being a “read-only” file, but that’s ok, just overwrite it anyway.

Now, when designing merge letters you can include the three new fields, PIN, Username, and Password. Begin with a Volunteer Do-It-Yourself spreadsheet for your data source.