Reimbursement Limits Tab
- Do you reimburse volunteers at all? Check this.
- Do you reimburse for this? Check each one you use.
- Do you have a monthly limit? If you do, check the box.
- What is the monthly limit? Enter the dollar limit.
- Mileage
- Bus
- Van
- Taxi
- Meals
- Parking/Tolls
- Other
- All Combined
This preference lets you adjust the defined limits to reimbursement amounts for your particular project. Many offices have a policy of only reimbursing volunteers up to a predefined amount which this preference enables you to handle automatically.
It works like this: Here, in the Preferences section, you tell the Volunteer Reporter your monthly reimbursements limits. When entering individual volunteer’s hours, don’t worry about your reimbursement limits because the Volunteer Reporter will handle it later. Enter all the reimbursement claimed by each volunteer.
Later, when printing reports, the Volunteer Reporter adds up the amount claimed by the volunteer for each expense category (car, bus, van, taxi, meals, parking, other) and checks the total against your defined limits. All monies less than your defined limits are counted as reimbursement, while all monies over your defined limits are counted on reports as an inkind contribution made by the volunteer. On the Hours screens the full amount displays.
General Tab
File | Preferences | General tab
Mileage Reimbursement Amount | Cost per mile.
The monthly limit calculates in dollars for all items. So if you have a monthly limit of MILES, you need to calculate how much that would be in dollars. For instance, if volunteers get paid for only 75 miles and your Cost per mile on the General tab is $.50 a mile, multiply 75 miles x .50 = $37.50. The Monthly limit for mileage is therefore set at 37.50.
Reimbursements Reports
To see a tally of your in-kind contributions per item, per volunteer, run the Statistics | Total Enrollment and Hours report.
You can also report in-kind in the spreadsheet Hours Served | Summary by Volunteer. It totals each volunteer’s in-kind contributions. If you check “Include Volunteer Details,” it breaks out the in-kind contributions by category, e.g., mileage, meals, etc.
Reports | Hours Served | Reimbursements
There is also a Reimbursements spreadsheet.