President’s Volunteer Service Award – Manual Procedure
Three ways to tackle the report
- Paste into the Certificate
- Build a Custom Spreadsheet
- Export a report to Excel
The Reporter does not have an exactly matching spreadsheet to conform to the President’s Volunteer Service Award. But you can [1.] paste Reporter spreadsheet data into the Certificate. Or [2.] modify the Volunteers Spreadsheet and add in the custom data. Some people like to work from a report [3.] exported to an Excel spreadsheet.
1. Method for Presidential Award Spreadsheet – Paste from Volunteers Spreadsheet into the Certificate
If you are handy using Excel, copy, and paste, here is one method of completing the Corporation’s award certificate. We have developed these instructions as a courtesy, but we do not provide Microsoft Excel program support.
Method: Prepare the Volunteers Spreadsheet and paste the appropriate columns into the Corporation’s certificate. Here’s how:
- In the Reporter, make a filter for 100+ hours if your volunteers are only adults [refer to the certificate’s Award Criteria sheet]
- Prepare the Volunteers Spreadsheet using the filter
- Sort by Life Hours | Ascending
- Open the Corporation’s certificate spreadsheet
- Volunteers Spreadsheet: copy data-only [no headings] in columns E, F & G
- Corporation’s Certificate: Click in first column and Paste data
- Volunteers Spreadsheet: copy data-only [no heading] in Age column
- Corporation’s Certificate: Click in first cell in Age column and Paste data
- Volunteers Spreadsheet: copy data-only [no heading] in Life Hours column
- Corporation’s Certificate: Click in first cell in Hours Served column and Paste data
- Edit Name to appear on certificate for each person, as necessary
- Complete the other columns according to the Instructions sheet on the Certificate
- Save it
2.Build a Custom Spreadsheet for President’s Volunteer Service Award
The Reporter does not have an exactly matching spreadsheet to conform to the President’s Volunteer Service Award. But you can modify the Volunteers Spreadsheet and add in the custom data. Below are instructions for the completion of the Certificate.
- Go to Spreadsheets | Volunteers.
- If you want to streamline the spreadsheet to only those who have served 100 hours or more, make a filter:
- Open Filters | click Add Filter | Name the filter something like “100+ Hours” | Save.
- Highlight “Served Hours During” | click Edit Limitation | type in the date range with your organization beginning date on the left and your date 9/30/06 on the right | Save.
- Highlight “No. of hours during same time” | click Edit Limitation | type in 100 on the left and 99,999 on the right | Save.
- That spreadsheet will give you way more information than you want, so you may want to delete all the extra columns.
- Keep these columns:
-First Name
-Last Name
-Mailing Name [rename to “Name to appear on the certificate.” Edit as necessary] - -Age [see Instructions tab on the certificate]
-Life Hours [rename to Hours Served] - Other data for the President sheet will have to be manually added:
- Add these Columns:
-Primary Area of Service [see Instructions tab on the certificate]
-Type [see Instructions tab on the certificate]
-Comments - These are all the columns on the President spreadsheet:
-First Name
-Last Name
-Name to Appear on Certificate
-Hours Served
-Primary Area of Service
-Type -I-
-Comments - An Excel spreadsheet can be sorted so that you can group the most hours at the top.
- The “Primary Area of Service” can perhaps be inferred by running the new Statistics | Placements History report. That does not actually list the service areas, however. [See the Instructions tab on the certificate.]
3. Exporting Reports to Excel
Some people like to fill in the Corporation’s certificate by referencing a spreadsheet. You can export any Reporter report to an Excel spreadsheet. The Print/Export button enables you to export the report as another file type.
To export or email, first select the export format from the drop down list.
Microsoft Excel — This produces a spreadsheet document that can be opened and edited in Excel. By default, only the data will be exported. The column headings will not be exported, so be sure to follow the directions below in order to label the columns once you’ve opened the file in Excel.
For each export type there is a properties button located to the right of the drop-down list which enables you to set some (usually obscure) properties of the file type.
Select the Output tab.
Uncheck the “Ignore header lines” and “Ignore group lines” options for an Excel report which includes headers.
After choosing the export type, click on the Start button which opens the “Save As” screen. You must save it before you can view it as a different format. From here you can select where to save the exported file and change the default file name. In the lower left of this screen are two check boxes:
View in Export Program
The first checkbox, “Open the file in the registered application” is normally checked and tells the Reporter to not only create the exported file, but immediately open it so that you can view it in the export program. If neither box is checked, the report opens as a Reporter report.