You can determine what version of Windows you have and how much RAM by finding MY COMPUTER on your computer [sounds like double speak].
Right-click My Computer | Properties | General tab. This is what it looks like in XP. Later Windows versions look quite different but give the same information.
An easy way to send us that information is to do Alt-PrintScreen on your keyboard. Then open an email and paste the image into the body.
You can see how much space you have on your hard drive by double-clicking MY COMPUTER. Select the C drive and then read the usage specs on the left. You can check other drives that way too. And take a picture with Alt-PrintScreen | Paste into the email.
Additionally, in the Reporter, please click on Help | About the Volunteer Reporter. There you can capture the path to your Reporter program folder and data folder. Since you will be an expert at grabbing images, send that to us, too. It�s easier than typing the paths, I think.