Scheduling When Volunteers are Unavailable or Jobs are Unfilled
Q: I need to block off daily times when individuals are not available. I actually use this to indicate when people are away for blocks of time. Is there a way in Volunteer Reporter to do the same thing? I find this at a glance information very useful.
A: You can create a job called, for example, Unavailable M 10-4 and give the volunteer that placement, then schedule them and you will be able to see this at a glance.
Q: I need to be able to see what time slots need to be filled in my jobs. How can I do this?
A: You can create a dummy volunteer called, for example, Pending, and give the volunteer that placement, then schedule it and you will be able to see this at a glance.
Scheduling Pending [not yet filled] Jobs
Using a place holder volunteer named Pending, you can create placements which are not yet fulfilled with a volunteer. This allows you to see which jobs need volunteers assigned to them on the schedule.
- Place a volunteer named Pending with a Job
- Schedule Pending for one time slot with that Job
- Duplicate the schedule if appropriate
- After you place an actual volunteer in a job, edit the schedule with volunteer’s name
- Then delete the Pending placement