Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Scheduling Reports

Schedule and Timesheet reports display in a list format of the available time slots and volunteers scheduled for those times, independent of actual time served. Choose to display only the time blocks which are scheduled [Condensed] or a complete listing of times.

Volunteer Daily Schedule & Timesheet

Scheduling reports run for a single Volunteer. Job Daily Schedule & Timesheet. The full schedule. For every day of a month, this lists all scheduled jobs for a volunteer with each volunteer on a separate page.


Volunteer Condensed Schedule & Timesheet

This lists all scheduled jobs for a volunteer with each volunteer on a separate page.


Job Daily Schedule & Timesheet

Scheduling reports run by the Job. Job Daily Schedule & Timesheet. The full schedule. For every day of a month, this lists all scheduled volunteers for a job with each job on a separate page.


Scheduling reports run by the Job. Job Condensed Schedule & Timesheet. This lists all scheduled volunteers for a job with each job on a separate page.


Schedule and Timesheet Reports

Reference list of the available settings for schedule and timesheet reports.

Volunteer Daily Schedule & Timesheet
For every day of a month, this lists all scheduled jobs for a volunteer with each volunteer on a separate page.

    * For the month of
    * Subheading to print on every page
    * Filter
    * Sort Order Alphabetical
    * Layout |Preview | Print/Export | Close
    * Date | Day | Time | Job | Scheduled Hours | Actual Hours

Volunteer Condensed Schedule & Timesheet
This lists all scheduled jobs for a volunteer with each volunteer on a separate page.

    * For the month of
    * Subheading to print on every page
    * Filter
    * Sort Order Alphabetical
    * Layout |Preview | Print/Export | Close
    * Date | Day | Time | Job | Scheduled Hours | Actual Hours

Job Daily Schedule & Timesheet
For every day of a month, this lists all scheduled volunteers for a job with each job on a separate page.

    * For the month of
    * Subheading to print on every page
    * Filter
    * Sort Order Alphabetical
    * Layout |Preview | Print/Export | Close
    * Date | Day | Time | Job | Scheduled Hours | Actual Hours

Job Condensed Schedule & Timesheet
This lists all scheduled volunteers for a job with each job on a separate page.

    * For the month of
    * Subheading to print on every page: Month of [...]
    * Filter
    * Sort Order Alphabetical
    * Layout |Preview | Print/Export | Close
    * Date | Day | Time | Job | Scheduled Hours | Actual Hours

Scheduling Conflicts
This lists any conflicts where someone is scheduled to be two places at the same time.

    * Filter
    * Sort Order Alphabetical
    * Layout |Preview | Print/Export | Close
    * Volunteer | Date | Time | Job