Use Schedules to keep track of when volunteers will be serving at their placements. You can set schedules from either the Volunteer or Jobs/Clients screen.
Adding a Schedule To add a new schedule, click on the day of the month, then the Add button. You can only add schedules for current placements already on file. If you haven’t yet placed the volunteer at the job, you will have to cancel this and first add the placement.
The Reporter accepts schedules in 15 minute blocks of time. You can either select the start and ending times or the number of hours to be served.
Double Shifts If a volunteer is going to serve more than once during a single day, enter a second schedule. For example, add the first one from 9-11am and the second from 3-5pm.
Delete a Schedule Since schedules are fairly temporary by nature, you can delete several of them at one time using a variety of methods. You can delete from either the calendar screen or the day’s screen. From the calendar screen, you can delete schedules by the week or the month. If you first click on the day, you can delete individual and daily schedules.
Duplicating Schedules Volunteer’s schedules often repeat week after week. You can duplicate schedules either from the calendar screen or the day’s screen. From the calendar screen, you can duplicate schedules a week at a time. If you first click on the day, you can duplicate either a single schedule or the day’s worth of schedules.
Printing, Emailing, and Exporting Schedules The Print button includes several reports showing schedules as well as options to email and export schedules. The email option prepares an email with the selected schedules included and can be sent to either the volunteer (from the Volunteer screen) or the job contacts (from the Job screen). You can only export schedules from the Job screen. It creates a file suitable for posting to Google Calendar.