Server Permissions
The Volunteer Reporter works on any Windows network as a database using Windows file sharing. The data resides in a shared folder on the server and each workstation runs an installation of the Reporter. The Touch-Screen Assistant is installed on the sign-in kiosk and also accesses the data folder.
As an example, the default permissions on a shared folder in Windows Server 2003 give users only Read permission. We have a sketchy understanding of how that works. In two areas of Windows 2003 Server you must set access on the shared data folder for all Volunteer Reporter users and the user who logs on to start the Touch-Screen Assistant on the kiosk:
Give users of the shared data folder full read and write access:
- Right-click the data folder
- Select the Security tab
- Set the Group level for each user
- Set the Permissions for each user/group
Win 2003 Server permissions are much more detailed than in Windows XP and should be set by the server administrator. The following borrowed screenshot might look somewhat like your server security tab, but we are not network experts so you are on your own.