Include Terminated Volunteers
By default, the Reporter includes only active volunteers on most reports, with the large exception of Hours reports. “Active” in the Reporter usually means the volunteer doesn’t have a termination date. It doesn’t necessarily mean the volunteer has a placement or hours.
To include terminated volunteers in the Volunteer Reporter v5.7, make a filter with that setting. Be sure your Reporter is Live Updated because the 5.7k patch fixed an issue with this.
Filters | Add Filter | name it, e.g.,: Include Term. Vols | Save.
In the Volunteer Limits tab, scroll way down to find the termination limitation choices.
Click on the ‘Include Terminated Volunteers?’ limitation | Edit Limitation button | Yes | Save.
Close Filters.
You can use this Include-Term.-Vols filter on any report to include terminated volunteers. You never need this filter for The Terminated Volunteers report or for Hours served reports when you only want to include the terminated volunteers if they served hours during the period of the report since the Reporter automatically includes them in those instances.