PRS Data for Veterans for CNCS – RSVPs
On the 2013 Progress Report Supplement CNCS asks three questions about military members serving as volunteers:
- Number of veterans serving as RSVP volunteers
- Total number of US Armed Forces Service members serving as RSVP volunteers
- Total number of volunteers serving as RSVP with family members actively serving in the military
RSVP Volunteer Who is a Veteran
The Volunteer Profile already provides a Veteran checkbox. So that takes care of the first question.
If you do not see the Veteran checkbox on the Volunteer Profile, make sure the Use? column is checked in the Volunteer Field Lists (setup) to display the Veterans checkbox. [File menu | Field Lists | Volunteer Fields]
RSVP Volunteer Armed Services Members
- Total number of US Armed Forces Service members serving as RSVP volunteers
- Total number of volunteers serving as RSVP with family members actively serving in the military
You can add a custom checkbox field to your Volunteer Profile in the Field Lists that will cover both these questions. [File menu | Field Lists | Volunteer Fields]
The Check Mark 1 – 10 fields allow you to change the Displayed Name label and those customized Check Mark fields then will tally on the Volunteer Statistics report.
Rename the Displayed Name of an unused Check Mark field, e.g., replace Check Mark 1 withVolunteer in Active Military. Check the box in the Use? column by double-clicking it.
Rename the Displayed Name of another unused Check Mark field, e.g., replace Check Mark 2 with Volunteer with Family Military. Check the box in the Use? column by double-clicking it.
With the Move buttons you can move this new Volunteer in Active Militaryfield [line 49 in this example] all the way up to below the Veterans field [line 29 by default] for easier access back in the Volunteer Profile. And move the other one too.
Now the three veterans checkboxes display together on the Volunteer Profile. Click the Edit Volunteer button to select them.
RSVP Clients in Armed Services Served
CNCS asks three questions about clients served:
- Total number of veterans served
- Total number of US Armed Forces Service members served
- Total number of family members of US Armed Forces service members served
The current workaround (in Reporter version 6.1j) to get numbers for that kind of data count on a Job Statistics report is to commandeer the existing special number fields that by default display under the Client Birth Date and Age field in the Jobs/Clients Profile. If you can find some of those fields that you don’t use you can rename the fields for veterans tracking.
Open the Job/Client Field Lists. [File menu | Field Lists | Job/Client Fields]
1. For instance, if you do not use the Number of children of prisoners served field (line 46 in this example), you can re-lable the Displayed Name to read Number of veterans served. This looks a bit odd because the original title in the Field column remains in contrast to the Displayed name—more typically for the fields, the Field label defines the type of field. But it works.
2. If you do not use the Number of adult ex-offenders served field (line 49 in this example), you can re-lable the Displayed Name to read No. of military service members served (had to abbreviate).
3. If you do not use the Number of immigrants served field (line 50 in this example), you can re-lable the Displayed Name to read No. of family members of military served (had to abbreviate).
Now you can move the fields so that all the Veterans fields are grouped to display together on the Jobs/Clients Profile. Use the Move buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Here, back on the Jobs/Clients Profile, three number fields have been modified to collect veterans and military data.
RSVP Reporting on Armed Services Volunteers and Clients
Volunteers in Armed Services Reporting
The Volunteer Statistics report includes all three Veterans/Military fields—the one included with the Reporter and the two custom fields as described above.
Reports | Statistics | Volunteer Statistics
Clients Served in Armed Services Reporting
The Job Statistics report includes all three Veterans/Military checkbox fields—the one included with the Reporter and the two custom fields as described above.
Reports | Statistics | Job Statistics