Tracking Volunteers Who Are Veterans
The Senior Corp wants their organizations to track which Volunteers are veterans and which Clients serve veterans.
Tracking Veterans with a Volunteer Field (Version 6.0 and Higher)
Track veterans in version 6.0 the default way with the built-in Veteran checkbox in the Volunteer Profile. Turn that on in the Field Lists.
File menu | Field Lists | Volunteer Fields | Is a Veteran field | check mark in Use? column
Tracking Veterans with a Volunteer Code Field (Version 5.9)
Track veterans in version 5.9 and previous versions with a custom code.
Assign a Code Field Name Label
In the Reference Codes in the top menus, click:
Assign Field Names
Select the first unused field in the left column on the Volunteer Field Names screen.
Type “Veteran” in the code field, overwriting the Code Field existing field label (which repeats the Code Field label). OK
Enter the Value
Go back to Reference Codes, click:
Volunteer Codes | User-Defined Codes | Veteran
Click: Add | Type: Veteran | OK
Now you can see the new Veteran code in Volunteers on the Codes tab. [If you had that tab open while constructing the code, close Volunteers and reopen it to refresh the screen.]
Go into each volunteer’s record who is a Veteran and mark Veteran on that person’s Codes tab. You will have to click Edit first.
Filter on Veterans
You can create a filter choosing the Veteran value for the Veteran code in Volunteer Limits to help any report display data about only veterans. Alternatively, a non-veterans filter works by selecting Is Blank in the Veteran value screen.
Reports on Veterans
If you want to bring up any report on just veterans, use the Veterans filter. You will see the count of the Veterans in that custom code on a Volunteer Statistics report. And you can view all the vets with a do-it-yourself Volunteers spreadsheet.
Tracking Veteran Recipients of Services (Job/Clients)
The Senior Corp wants their organizations to track which Jobs and Clients are for veterans. Track veteran specific Jobs or Clients with a custom code.
Assign a Code Field Name Label
In the Reference Codes in the top menus, click:
Assign Field Names.
Choose the Job Field Names tab.
Select the first unused field in the left column on the Job Field Names screen.
Type “Veteran” in the code field, overwriting the Code Field existing field label (which repeats the Code Field label). OK
Enter the Value
Go back to Reference Codes, click:
Job/Client Codes | User-Defined Codes | Veteran
Click: Add | Type: Veteran | OK
Now you can see the new Veteran code in Jobs/Clients on the Codes tab. [If you had that tab open while constructing the code, close Jobs/Clients and reopen it to refresh the screen.]
Go into each Job or Client’s record which serves Veterans and mark Veteran on that job or client’s Codes tab. You will have to click Edit first.
Filter on Veteran Volunteers
Filter on Veteran Volunteer Default Code (v6.0): You can create a filter choosing the Veteran value for the Veteran code in Filters | Job/Clients Limits to help any report display data about only jobs or clients which serve veterans. Choose the Veteran field and then select Yes, for the Value.
Alternatively, a non-veterans filter works by selecting No in the Veteran value screen.
Filter on Veteran Custom Code (v5.9): You can create a filter choosing the Veteran value for the Veteran custom code in Filters | Job/Clients Limits to help any report display data about only jobs or clients which serve veterans. Choose the code labeled probably Veteran and then Yes, or Veteran, whatever value you have set in the custom code Value.
Alternatively, a non-veterans filter works by selecting Is Blank in the Veteran value screen.
Filter on Veteran Job/Client
Filter on a Veteran Job/Client custom code: You can create a filter choosing the Veteran value for the Veteran code in Filters | Job/Clients Limits to help any report display data about only jobs or clients which serve veterans. Choose the custom Veteran code and then select Yes, or whatever you have set for the Value.
Alternatively, a non-veterans filter works by selecting Is Blank in the Veteran value screen.
We can step you through any of those procedures over the phone if you like.