Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Electronic Signature via the Web Assistant

Electronic signatures are accepted via the web by volunteers and stations who use the Web Assistant.

Senior Corps and other agencies use this in two different ways:

  1. Volunteers enter their hours at your web site. The hours are than sent and received into the Reporter. You have the option to print or email the hours to the station supervisor for approval. Once the approval is received, the hours are approved and automatically posted directly into the hours section of the Reporter.
  2. The hours are entered by the station supervisor from your web site. A supervisor logs in and enters hours for all the volunteers at the station. The hours are sent and received the same way but the approval is immediate because the electronic signature is stamped by the station.

Two Signatures from Supervisors and Volunteers

A coordinator from one state says their rep requires two electronic signatures from their volunteers and supervisors. One way to resolve this is to require those who enter hours to initial the message box after each hours entry before submitting that entry. Change your Screen Messages within the Web Assistant section of the Reporter to prompt this verification.

Steps to Enable Two Signatures

  1. Inform volunteers and supervisors of the procedure.
  2. Set up Screen Messages in the Web Assistant
  3. Retrieve the electronic signatures.

1. Announce this requirement to your volunteeers and supervisors when they first logon. This screen displays when a volunteer first logs in to verify proper login and choose a job. The Supervisors’ screen is similar. The screen heading says, Enter Hours You Have Served. You can email this screen shot to your volunteers and supervisors from this tutorial on entering hours by emailing them this link: https://volsoft.com/tutorial/web-assistant-hours-enter-hours-single-or-multiple/.


This message is repeated on the Enter Hours Served screen where they actually type their initials after they enter hours for one job.


2. Screen Messages Setup

Assistants | Touch-Screen Assistant | Settings button | Screen Messages tab

You can set up these messages, complete with the red font, by entering the following code into the appropriate two Custom Text fields.

Select Job for Hours

Default text: If you have served hours at a different job not listed below, please contact us.

Suggested custom text:

<font color=”red”><b>Be sure to JOT YOUR NAME OR INITIALS in the message box</b></font> after each entry of hours as your VERIFYING SIGNATURE. If you have served hours at a different job not listed below, please contact us.

Copy and paste (Ctrl-v) the above suggested text and code into the Custom Text field. The Reporter will immediately interpret the html code so that the emphasized text turns red and bold.


Hours Entry

Displays when first login to verify proper person and choose a job. Screen heading says, Enter Hours You Have Served.

Default text: Thanks for entering your hours.

Suggested custom text:

Thanks for entering your hours. <font color=”red”><b>Be sure to JOT YOUR INITIALS in the message box</b></font> after each entry of hours as your VERIFYING SIGNATURE.

Copy and paste (Ctrl-v) the above suggested text and code into the Custom Text field. The Reporter will immediately interpret the html code so that the emphasized text turns red and bold.


Send-and-Receive to Upload the Screen Messages

After you change these Screen Messages you must do a send-and-receive to upload the changes to your Web Assistant database.

3. Retrieve Signatures

Supervisors’ Signatures

On the New Hours tab, click the Print button.


Choose the Hours and Reimbursements, by Station report.



  • Select Just hours and reimbursements sent by supervisors.
  • Sort by Volunteer or Date.
  • Using the Print/Export button, etc., export the report to Excel.
  • From Excel you can send it, one copy at a time, te each station supervisor
  • Each supervisor will find his or her hours records and initial beside them or at the top of all.
  • When the supervisor emails the initialed Excel sheet back a second electronic signature is assured.
  • Save the attached file renamed with the station’s name and date.

Volunteers’ Signatures

Each volunteer’s initial message downloads into the Web Assistant Messages – Inbox. They can be left in the Messages Inbox within the Web Assistant. The will be titled: Message Posted with Hours Submission.

Copying Messages in the Web Assistant Inbox

There is no slam dunk way to capture the volunteers’ initialed messages verifying their hours entries. When you want to copy a message in the Inbox, click as if to reply and then copy the message and paste to any text editor. (Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v). You should type the person’s name and date for reference. Then Cancel to close the message.

  • Have a text editor open in another window.
  • Highlight the volunteer’s message on the Messages tab.
  • Click Reply.
  • Select and copy the body of the message to the clipboard [Ctrl-C].
  • Paste the text into the text editor [Ctrl-V]
  • Type the person’s name and date.
  • Cancel to close the message.