Trouble Logging in to Enter Hours
When you have any problems logging in to enter your hours, contact your volunteer coordinator.
You can forward this email to that person and explain what is happening when you try to log in.
A few unusual circumstances could prevent you from being able to log in to enter your hours:
- Remember that there is no space between your first and last name in your username. Upper and lower case do not matter.
- You must have an assigned username which has been uploaded by the volunteer coordinator.
- Duplicate Names: In a very few instances, where there are identical first and last names, like John Smith, the second instance of that name will have the number 1 added to it. In some instances of duplicate names the automatic assignment becomes the first name, middle initial and last name all in one username without spaces, e.g., JohnCSmith if the name on record has a middle initial. If you have trouble with your user name, contact your volunteer coordinator.
- No Job Placement: You will not be able to login to enter hours or send a message until you have a placement which the volunteer coordinator has uploaded
- Cookies: You must have cookies enabled in your browser [i.e., Internet Explorer or Firefox].